Wednesday, April 13, 2011

How the Iron Dome will backfire

Israel recently deployed the Iron Dome defense system to intercept rockets fired towards its territory.
Or was that really the purpose?
Maybe the Iron Dome was created to allow Israel to suppress the Palestinians with even less fear of their rightful retaliation than it was possible up till now. After all, during the Cold War the US and the Soviet Union had an agreement to keep defense systems to a minimum… This analogy proves that defense is the most dangerous of all weapons, because it encourages the aggressive entity to lose any self-restraint they may have. Even the mighty United States felt the need for such confinement of defense systems, all the more so do poorer people, such as the Palestinians, who have less sophisticated weaponry than their enemy.     
In fact, the shield is a cunning tool to humiliate the Palestinians. It shoves a wall of impenetrability in their faces as if saying that no matter how hard they fight for freedom and justice, Zionist wealth will always ensure that all resistance is futile.   
The fact that the Iron Dome can only intercept larger rockets is due to Israel spending most of its military funds on weapons of lethal attack instead of peaceful protection. This so-called defense system actually shows how Israel can’t be bothered to truly defend its population. Smaller rockets that get through the shield will keep endangering the citizenry, among them, obviously, the Arab and Bedouin segments of the population.  
But otherwise, the Iron Dome has the merit of making the Gaza blockade redundant. There’s no need to collectively punish the residents of Gaza any longer when Israel is capable of shooting down the rockets it finds disturbing. From now on, all Israeli actions within the Gaza Strip must be interpreted as unjustified aggression against civilians, and a no-fly zone needs to be enforced over Israel to stop such assaults...
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No, this is not a joke. This is to show the astonishing power of good narratives and the lack thereof.
If Israel is unable to present a convincing argument as to why the Iron Dome is what it claims to be, she may be able to intercept rockets but will be undefended against narratives that turn the situation upside down, and that are sure to find substantial audiences.

There are ways to fight these and similar statements, and the narratives they build on. For now we are only stating that the problem exists; the methods to neutralize them will unfold in the course of this blog.

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